Where the brethren gather together to enthrone the King!

Our Mission: to gather people into the manifest presence of God that they might be transformed.

Text Box: Praise On Fire Radio
To Cease Broadcasting 
December 31st, 2012

The Lord is my strength and my song, and He is become my salvation; He is my God and I will prepare Him an habitation; My father's God and I will exalt Him!       
 Exodus 15:2 (NASB)

    In the Spring and Summer of 2000 technology circles were ablaze with excited chatter of what was then a new concept; the idea of digital streams of music broadcasting worldwide through the Internet.  All of the talk was about Internet Radio Stations. In Oklahoma City we, along with our young church, were preparing to launch out as pioneers and forerunners in this new media. 
     Everything we know today as Digital Media was in process of formulation. Even Congress was composing new copyright law to address the demands of this new technology. 

     In August of 2000, during our churches anniversary celebration, Praise On Fire Radio launched our first broadcast stream of contemporary praise and worship music.

    In those days you had to configure your own Shoutcast server and play the stream out to the Internet through this new player called WinAmp. The most popular Broadband access to the Internet was DSL. People were just beginning to hear about mp3 files and how to encode them and what about these ID Tags? <smile> It was all very exciting and we were on the cutting edge.  

     Soon streaming and broadcast services were beginning to emerge and for a number of years POFR aligned with one of these, Live365.com. During that time our broadcast received two Broadcasting Awards for Best Christian station on the Live365 network. 

     Our vision was somewhat unique in that, with a background in contemporary praise and worship leading, we wanted to develop a format that would reflect the same flow of music like what we put together when we led worship in our church. We believed we could mirror a flow that would invite our listeners to worship with us and step into the fire of His presence, as we prepared Him a habitation through praise. The testimonies we have received over the years tell us we were successful.
     As the industry continued to evolve, we did too, going independent in 2006, and so have continued to the present. But, it is now a new season and time for us to put our energies and resources into new things. Plans are still being developed, but will likely move in the direction of pursuing original music and our teaching of the word.

     We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every listener, partner and contributor who has made this ministry possible the last 12 years. It has been both a challenging and joyous experience. I also want to honor the memory of my late husband, Gary Hopper, who blazed the trail along with me and believed with me every step of the way. He was a phenomenal musician, a true pioneer and faithful partner in the work of God.  Thank you to everyone who helped to make this dream come true and as Gary would have said, if he were here, and coming out of the nostalgia of all of his years in the music industry, “See you on the flip side.”

          Much love in Christ,


Contact  Information


Freedom Wing Ministries

Praise On Fire Radio

1111 N Buchanan

Amarillo, TX 79107



The Christian Counter


Jacquie holds a microphone up to the computer speaker as Praise On Fire Radio’s first broadcast came streaming across the Internet at special dedication services in August of 2000! 

First Broadcast

Founder - Gary C. Hopper