Where the brethren gather together to enthrone the King! |
Our Mission: to gather people into the manifest presence of God that they might be transformed. |
Thank you for your willingness to support the mission of Praise On Fire Radio! There are several ways you can go about it, depending on how the Holy Spirit is leading you. You may make a one time gift in one of the amounts shown below, or you may commit to a monthly subscription gift. Keeping a steady flow of resources throughout the year is critical, so please be as generous as possible. Perhaps you could give a one time gift of $100.00. Be assured, that what ever you decide to do, your contribution will be working to keep POFR on the air and send Jacquie around the world proclaiming His glory!, God bless you and thank you for being a “KEEPER OF THE FLAME”! |
PayPal is the official processor of contributions for Praise On Fire Radio. They use only secure, encrypted methods in processing financial transactions, which are completely safe. You do not have to have a PayPal account to process a contribution to us through them. We have satisfactorily used their service for years. It is the quickest and easiest way to make a donation to Praise On Fire Radio and our recommended method. However, if you simply prefer not to use on-line payment methods, you may mail your contribution to:
Praise On Fire Radio c/o Freedom Wing Ministries 933 W Bonita Ave Amarillo, TX 79108
Make check or money order payable to Freedom Wing Ministries. |
Do you find the music and devotions of Praise On Fire Radio to be a blessing to your day? We rely on listener support and ask you to consider a donation in support of our ongoing outreach. Paypal is our contribution processor. They now make it possible for you to contribute, using your credit card, without becoming a Paypal member.
Donate Today! |
Freedom Wing Ministries is an IRS approved 501 (c) 3 tax exempt charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible. |
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Choose an amount and button below for your monthly gift. |
Pastor Jacquie Kirkwood |