Welcome To Praise On Fire Missions!

Pastor Jacquie Kirkwood   There is a praise of God that is on fire with the revelation of His word and Who He is. Our prayer is that you would catch the flame, which comes from that burning desire to know Him.  1st Chronicles 16:27 tells us that the fire of God’s glory is in His presence. His presence inhabits our praise. So in the midst of your heartfelt praise of God, is the fire of His glory. May you find the tools and inspiration here at “Praise On Fire” that will empower you to step into the fire!! God bless you!

Online Streaming of the

Glory Bible Study

Available via Facebook and SOON on YouTube!
     After several years meeting together in the “Glory Bible Study” in Amarillo, sometime back the Lord released us to begin streaming LIVE on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm CDT via Facebook. And, soon we will add a YouTube Channel to your options for streaming online. We experience extraordinary worship, filled with the presence and glory of God. And then, the teaching of the word of God, laying out His Kingdom plan for the glorious church and the whole earth to be filled with the glory of the Lord! We are really enjoying our new equipment and are excited about taking advantage of it’s capabilities and adding new features to  upgrade the quality of our stream. You are invited to join us Thursday evenings LIVE at 7:00pm CDT (GMT-6) via our Facebook Praise On Fire Missions page. 
Praise On Fire Missions
The Glory Bible Study!
Thursdays ~ 7:00pm CDT (GMT-6)

“2024 A Year of God’s Divine Order”    

    On Sunday morning, December 17, 2023, in my home church of Cornerstone Worship Center in Amarillo Texas, I felt the prophetic anointing come upon me as we worshipped. The presence of God was so strong. The Lord began speaking a Word to me, as He most always does for the New Year of 2024.  Those who know me well, know I struggle to have patience with what I call “cotton candy prophecy”. Sugary sweet words that typically say little except how much God is going to bless you.

     Now, please do not misunderstand. I am in total agreement with and am very well aware of the Covenant benefits and promises that are ours through the sacrifice of Jesus. I just believe that we have been “over preached” on that subject. And that a simple cursory scan of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul (in context) say a whole lot more about godly living and God’s overarching kingdom purpose in the earth. New Testament Prophets are supposed to be Holy Spirit inspired interpreters and expounders of the divine will and purpose of God (1st Cor. 12:29-29 Amp.) We are suppose to feed people sound doctrine and New Testament revelation knowledge out of scripture about how God is working in His church and what we need to do to cooperate with Him.
 So    , I stood in reverence before my God, as He spoke His heart, concern and plan for His church in the coming year. Jesus is coming soon. I pray that whenever that may be in God’s time table, that we are vigilant and will be ready.
    The Lord delivered this Word to me in the form of a prophetic exhortation. I believe I was hearing the voice of the Father:
So much out of order. All of us. In ways we have no idea. God wants to pour out grace in these areas. 2024 will be a critical year of God getting things in order for His people, so that we will be in right position to be able to receive His blessing. Judgment will increase in 2024 because of the evil. We must set our heart not to be ridged and unchanging. It is more important to be flexible and moldable in 2024 than any time before, so that He can get us in right order for His blessing. 2024 must be a year of untold surrender and giving up control to Him. Preconceived expectations must be set aside, so that we can be opened up by Him to His fresh word, fresh revelation, greater grace, greater faith, greater blessing, greater transformation, greater, glory. We must ask Him to open our hearts to return to our first love, a time when we were so excited and open to the new things He was doing and bringing into our lives. That is what Revival is….to be hungry to be changed, made different and more like Him. In 2024 God is going to be putting things in order. May we grow in grace and surrender, that we may be transformed and blessed by Him, even as He judges the world.
    We are in that Isaiah 60:1-3 time where God wants to fill His Christ-like, obedient church with glory. As we fear and reverence Him,  seek Him and His Kingdom first and be fierce observers of and doers of His Word, He will do it in us. Only then will we be ready to stand in authority and power in the face of darkness and be the light of the world! 
    The church is in need of a great season of repentance, renewal to God’s nature and purposes. We need to be adjusted and brought back in order. Time will not wait. This holy, anointed pressure from God is coming. May we surrender and cooperate. May we be transformed and raised up as witnesses. Look for a “John the Baptist Anointing” to come upon the prophets. with great power, grace and anointing to call the church to repentance.  Look for the remnant to arise and shine, spreading God’s goodness (glory) everywhere we go!! 

Praise On Fire Missions!

An Outreach of
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The Incredible Work
in Kenya!
   God has taken our breath away at the amazing doors of opportunity He has opened in Kenya. The Holy Spirit has begun to draw many Pastor’s hearts to ours and are joining us in like vision. In keeping with prophetic words spoken over us, He is expanding our reach around the world and many of these Pastors believe God has knitted them to us and have asked to come under our covering. One such church is our dear Pastor Philip Nzomo of Vessels of God Church in Machakos. When there in November, I was able to ordain him under the covering of Cornerstone Ministries International of Amarillo in a moving service in his  church. There was much celebration among all the people!
Pastor Philip Ordained

Pastor Philip Ordained

  We’ve known it, by the Spirit, since early 2020 … we could sense the shifting, the re-aligning, the significance of a new decade. It is becoming more and more apparent. Old things are coming down and God is putting them away. New things …. new messages, new ministries, new voices are rising. The Prophetic Voice of God surging in a new boldness, declaring the divine will and purpose of God for the church and into the earth.
 Prophetic voices which have, for decades, hidden themselves away in the shadows, quiet, alone with God, with their visions, burning, being forged in fire, beginning to emerge. Like the days of John the Baptist, “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand!”
  What does it all mean? That Jesus is at the very door. All things are beginning to align for His return. The Glorious Church is rising! It is time. It is time to understand the mystery of “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. He is gathering us; the hungry, the urgent. We meet … to search out the revelation of the glory of God in the scripture, to prepare, to understand. God is calling a select few who are willing to surrender everything to Him. If it is you … join us each Thursday evening in Amarillo, Texas at 210 SW 10th Ave at 7:00pm or Online via Facebook at Praise On Fire Missions.

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